The BWA PTA have been working closely with the school on expanding its Star Author initiative but we need your support to try and achieve this initiative for our little ones to further their reading.
Rather than asking parents to purchase these books via Amazon, we are trying a more sustainable approach by partnering with FARA Books and online charity shops for second hand books.
Click to view book list
How you can help….
1. If you have any of the books in the Reading Wishlist for your year group or any year group that you can donate from home please bing to the designated book drop-off bin at the front desk before the end of the half-term.
2. This is our online donation shop dedicated to the book initiative. You can choose the amount you would like to donate (the estimated price for each book is £3) and the PTA double that amount. We will then use this towards your chosen year group to purchase second hand books from local or online charity shops (if possible, otherwise new).
Leftover money will be used to create a dedicated pot for the school to use to buy books as they are released!
Thank you so much for your support and generosity!
The BWA PTA Team